Don’t Call It a Comeback

Attention readers: I’m sorry that it has only been cough, cough 94 days since I last posted about my rages of Aaron Murray being the first-team all SEC (we all know who I think should have been in his place). I still think its complete bull butter, but that’s a whole other blog post. I may write that later.

Okay, you have a right to be mad at me, but if you must know, I’ve been in nursing school. You know, saving lives and stuff. Maybe not exactly saving lives, but I have been in school, learning to save lives. Yeah, I’m going to be saving lives. You can thank me later while give you your bed bath.

I digress, but readers you will be happy to know that I will be back writing a few things about my adventures in nursing school, and yes, they are adventures. Most of them are gross, disturbing, and only people who work in the medical profession who will find it funny. Like this photo for instance:

Always on three.

Always lift on three. You know who you are person in my lab group.

The names of the people will be changed to protect the innocent (and because of HIPAA) and almost all of them will be exaggerated (because some of them need some spice added to them).

So be on the lookout for some crazy ass nursing school adventures that can only be funny if I tell the story.

One response to “Don’t Call It a Comeback

Say something about the blog, yo.