
Well this is my blog. It’s not much to look at, but it’s nice. I was going for something basic and plain…something much like myself.

I’m not really all that basic or plain. I am from a small town (about 3000 people) in the great state of Texas where everyone one knows everybody and everybody calls you friend. It’s nice growing up in a small town, I’ve got good values, manners, and cowboy boots (I don’t wear them that often). It may be boring and plain to most “city folk,” but I have managed to make it this far in my life without hating the town where I was raised. I have two great parents and a huge family that have been there for me all my life and what part of that could anyone hate?

I am a student of Texas A&M University where I study biology. I want to do something in the medical field, it’s leaning towards nursing at this moment. I love being in College Station and at TAMU. I love everything from the traditions, the sports, the persons of the opposite sex (you know, guy stuff), but what I love most is the fact that the town is spread throughout the university and not the other way around, and the “small town feel” I get even from a bigger town. Its home away from home except my mom isn’t cooking me dinner or doing my laundry.

I don’t have many hobbies. I mostly golf and hang out with friends. I do enjoy writing when I’m not going to have to turn it in for a grade for a class. I try to play sports, but I’m not very good at them for I am not very athletic, but like the Little Engine that Could, I think I can. It usually ends up with me being hurt either physically or emotionally, but the majority of the time it’s both.

I really don’t know why I’m writing this blog. I really don’t know, which I admit is both bogus and sad. I really just want to get my story and my life out there and try to become famous. That sounds selfish, but if that doesn’t happen, I hope I can at least make someone smile or giggle or do something that makes their day just a little bit better. I guess I’m trying to make the world a little bit happier place one post at a time.

At least I hope I do. I think I’m funny and I hope you do too.

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Say something about the blog, yo.